Tuesday, June 21, 2011

SHIT TOUR color pt.1

Well, there is a downside to waiting to long to post things, I was going to chronilogically do this, but now I can hardly remember the names of these skateparks, or when these camp sites were, so, here's a jumbled description of pictures organized by rolls/pixels.

Took the couch seats on the van on the first night, set them up by the fire. You identify the people, this isn't facebook, I'm not labeling all these people everytime. But, for starts we got Tone Nick and Sarge camp fire zoning.

Just a plain old nice Sarge photo.

Some things just need no descriptions. Except a explanation about their lack of description.

JP doin the melting marshmellow. Hot dance

Nagel, manning the grill

Damn, what a tail slide


JP and Nagel, lovin those 'gars
Group photo, including Mark, Gavin, Lee who hopped in at some point during the day.

Foley: "get in" to the woman in the red vehicle.

Ketchup applied, hot dog consumed

The best grilling my eyes have ever seen, hands down. Big ups to Lee for letting us chill on the porch.


Haulin the AmeriCans. How lovely

I dont think this is a lander, but i dig it. Forget the name of the park.

(Theres more from this place coming up in another roll)


Pretty in the morning


Campsite, first night again

Tony sitting pretty on the couch, going by the name of "greek goddess" i believe.

Nick devised a plan to push him over.

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