John soaked joe by stepping on a full water bottle and shooting the cap off.. This was funny as hell.
made a detour to Princeton park
Some other park we hit up, pretty dumb design. It had a pretty fun bowl.
these flat bar planter things are everywhere.
this spot fucked rozbo up.
we stopped in baltimore on way home, only thing i took a photo of.
Some random girls that we were talking to in traffic, they were pretty cool. Only reason i took a photo is because they took one almost immediately for whatever reason. We didn't get their names or anything, They lived in Vermont, maybe that's why we didn't bother. We were busy throwing shit from our car to theirs and vice versa, this was either really annoying or really funny for the cars behind us.
I would never rock this shirt but god damn its the truth.
John had gnarly allergies, poor guy.
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