Thursday, October 21, 2010

JC to NB

started the day in Jersey City.
Foley's massive booger. Arozebio doesnt look psycehd on it

There were too many of us, I had to be released from the trunk

Mmmmm, Tacos were banginin. Should've seen the mami workin there.

Eating and Destroying in classic Shindig fashion

Ended up heading to New Brunswick, Derm ended up on the roof.

I believe this is Derm, not landing somehting. Is anyone surprised?

Then BJ took us to some strange Rutgers party. John had a blast the entire time. It was also Dermond's "birthday", so some chick sat on his lap

End products of this day were:

Digital looks strange next to film.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Used footage

Made this for fun while we were about halfway through filming for GTSO

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Me and Nick, together once again, as it should be. Doing a boogie board 5050 on this Peir with Chicago in the background

BONUS! If you right click this image, there's a good chance there will be a "set as desktop background" button


Monday, October 4, 2010

Event Of The Year

Shindig's "Event of the year" was sick. Fun times.

Joe...before we knew we didn't need helmets, which was a major treat and surprise. Helmets suck. And no one hit their head, No fuckin' way

Fiend skateboards. Rizzo breakin out classics.

A shindig ambassador...and possibly the smoothest guy there. Nah probably his dad.

Bands ended things off, nice way to end things.

Footage of basically nothing that went down, skating over bloggin bro